
FLUS (Fuzzy Lambda calculUS) is a prototype tool implementing a fuzzy extension of typed Lambda Calculus which joins some innovative research lines developed by the DEC-Tau research group at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and the  "intelligent computing group" at the Umeå University (Sweden). The application is based on the theoretical framework developed by Patrik Eklund and Robert Helgesson, which focus on a "generalized general logic" named "Substitution Logic" and it has been implemented with MALP (Multi-Adjoint LOgic Programming), a fuzzy extension of the popular Prolog language, by using the  FLOPER tool developed in the UCLM (click here to download a free Prolog-based version of FLUS and here to run its on-line version). In its current state, FLUS is able to generate a list of sorts, operations and terms for a given specification. Section Crisp Computing clarifies how to write a valid specification for being loaded into the tool.