
I am a member of SISTEDES (Spanish Society for Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies) and EUSFLAT (European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology).

DEC-tau Group

I am a founder member of the Declarative Programming and Automatic Program Transformation Group (DEC-tau Group — Grupo de Programación DEClarativa y Transformación AUtomática de Programas). Computer Science Department. University of Castilla – La Mancha.

ELP Group

I was a member of the Extensions of  Logic Programming Group (ELP Group), from 1994 to 2000, of the Department of Information Systems and Computation at Technical University of Valencia, where I took my first steps as a researcher.

Archeological Society of Sagunto

Member of the Archeological Society of Sagunto since 1980.  The Archeological Society of Sagunto was founded on 1957 for protecting, preserving and promoting the rich historic heritage of the city of Sagunto. Also they promote the development of studies on prehistory, Iberian and Roman culture and their influence in the area of Sagunto. They publish an annual bulletin called ARSE with research  on these topics. ARSE is the Iberian name of the city of Sagunto. You can read a brief english summary of the history of Sagunto here.


Member of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) since 1992. For more than 50 years UNICEF has promoted the rights of all children to health, education and protection from discrimination.